Do you interested to find 'how to write i love my family in arabic'? Here you can find all of the details.
Table of contents
- How to write i love my family in arabic in 2021
- family "in arabic writing
- Habibti arabic
- Shukran meaning
- Love in arabic
- I love you in arabic
- 5 sentences about my family in arabic
- I love my family in arabic tattoo
How to write i love my family in arabic in 2021

family "in arabic writing

Habibti arabic

Shukran meaning

Love in arabic

I love you in arabic

5 sentences about my family in arabic

I love my family in arabic tattoo

Which is the most common expression of Love in Arabic?
1. Habibi or Habibti. Habibi (to a male) and Habibti (to a female) means “my love” or in Arabic. It is the most common expression of love in the Arabic language said to friends, children, and even strangers.
What does the word my life mean in Arabic?
Hayati, ya hayati Hayati means “my life” in Arabic, which is what most couples say to each other to express just how far their love for each other reaches. The word can be found most often in Arabic songs about love and spoken in the Lebanese dialect.
How is the word'i love you'written in Arabic?
All answers are correct, but in Arabic, we have different words for singular, dual and plural “you” , and different words for male and female, here’s the full answer> Plural: (males or mixed) “أنا أُحِبُكُم” [ana ‘uHibukum] , (females only) “أنا أُحِبُكُنَّ” [ana ‘uHibukunna] Ana is optional, used to emphasize only.
Widely used phrases
Perhaps the most common word for family is عائلة ( ‘aa’ila ). This can refer to both the close family and extended family. The word أسرة ( usra) on the other hand is arguably used more frequently to just refer to the immediate family.
Last Update: Oct 2021
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